once more with feelings


here you have your anwser



do you?

  • Edward Smith: Why is it more of a pleasure to do 30 or 40 pictures than to do just one?
    Andy Warhol: Then I can, uh, listen to my soundabout which looks just like the thing that I'm wearing now, and you can listen to opera and stuff like that.
    Edward Smith: Does that mean you don't have to think when you're painting?
    Andy Warhol: No, you can listen to really good music.
    Edward Smith: So, what, painting is an excuse to listen to really good music?
    Andy Warhol: Oh, yeah.


yet, another statement

12- Que tipo de encomendas costuma receber?
- Não trabalho por encomendas. O meu trabalho é o que é.

Gonçalo Beja da Costa

another statement

11-Para a arte não há guia. Como sabe qual é a próxima coisa a fazer?
- Ela surge sempre mais tarde ou mais cedo. No período em que não aparece, é um processo normalmente vivido com alguma angústia que por vezes parece não ter fim...mas o "guia" ou" fio" condutor acaba por aparecer sempre.

Gonçalo Beja da Costa

buy it for me


9- Sofre desprender -se de uma peça que tenha vendido?
-Depende da obra, de quem a comprou e de quanto deu por ela.

Gonçalo Beja da Costa



- I'm gonna be polite.

it starts with a G

six feet under my head

Nate: What about you saying that things happen that leave marks... in people, in space, in time?
Brenda: Yeah thats physics. Energy affecting matter. Talking to dead people is delusional.
Nate: So you definitely don't believe in any kind of a life after death?
Brenda: I think people live on through the people they love, and the things they do with their lives.. if they manage to do things with their lives.
Nate: But that's it, that's it? That's all there is, there's nothing more, there's nothing like bigger?
Brenda: Just energy.
Nate: But there's no plan, no-
Brenda: No, there's definetely no plan. Just survival. Should I have ordered the salmon?
Nate: Uh, I dont know. How can you live like that? I mean, what if you found out you were gonna die tomorrow?
Brenda: I've been prepared to die tomorrow since I was six years old.
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, pretty much. We never got butter.
Nate: Well why since you were six?
Brenda: Because I read a report on the effect nuclear war would have on the world and it was pretty clear to me at that point that this was definitely gonna happen.
Nate: When you were six?
Brenda: And I wake up every day pretty much surprised that um.. everything is still here.
Nate: Well I dont understand how you can live like that.
Brenda: Well I thought we all did.


i want it

after invisible man

Ralph Ellison's 1952 novel Invisible Man centres on a black man who, during a street riot, falls into a forgotten room in the cellar of a large apartment building in New York and decides to stay there, living hidden away. The novel begins with a description of the protagonist's subterranean home, emphasising the ceiling covered with 1,369 illegally connected light bulbs.